
Optimize your SEO content with the power of AI | Lifetime Deal Robinize

 A lot of people believe search engine optimization can only be produced or controlled by SEO experts.

While search engine optimization is a complex science, it’s not too complicated for everyday writers.

Robinize was built on the idea that any writer can produce high-quality, proven-to-rank content using simple, easy-to-follow steps.

Try it today!

Table of Contents

WHAT IS Robinize?

Robinize is a tool that helps content writers create SEO-friendly content quickly and easily. Our algorithm analyzes any article while you write to ensure that your writing is unique and engaging. Then, our editor will review your work, making suggestions as you go based on what Google’s data says can help you rank higher in search result

  • ALTERNATIVE TO: Clearscope and Surfer SEO
  • BEST FOR: Bloggers, copywriters, and marketers
Same Key Point Here

WHY USE Robinize?

Make your content Google with Robinize

✅Create new content that attracts organic traffic in Robinize

✅Improve the quality of your existing content with Robinize

✅Content grading in Robinize

✅Readability level with Robinize

✅Word counter in Robinize

✅Relevant terms with Robinize

✅Similar searches in Robinize

✅Outlines with Robinize

Key Point Details


Make your content Google with Robinize

Robinize is a tool that can help you make your content Google-ready. It’s an online platform that will help you create a well-written, SEO-optimized website in just minutes. You can use Robinize to create a website or blog and include all your pages, such as contact information, social media links, and other important content.

Create new content that attracts organic traffic in Robinize

Robinize is a great tool for webmasters who want their websites to be discovered by people who are looking for information about their products or services online. It helps them find out what they should post on social media, how they should set up their blog or what keywords they should target when they write articles or blog posts.

Improve the quality of your existing content with Robinize

Robinize lets you add links, images, and text to a document without having to worry about formatting. The tool will then automatically identify those elements and add links between them so that they are easy for readers to navigate through.

Content grading in Robinize

Robinize provides content grading in the form of marks and percentages. The marks are used to assign a letter grade, and the percentages are used to show how much of an exam’s content was covered by the current grade.

Readability level with Robinize

Robinize is a tool that analyzes your text, and compares it to hundreds of different sources to determine how readable it is. It can be used to check that your website’s content is readable by a wide audience, or to see how much information is too much for a reader.

Word counter in Robinize

Robinize will display the total number of words, as well as their average length per word so that you can decide how many words you should use when creating your next post or article. You can also view how many times each word was used in your writing and see which ones were most popular.

Similar searches in Robinize

The Robinize search engine provides a powerful tool to find the right contact info you need. It allows you to search for any number of email addresses or phone numbers to create your own database of contacts. You can even add notes about each person so it’s easier to keep track of what you’re looking for.

Outlines with Robinize

The goal of Robinize is to make it easy for students to write clearly, succinctly and efficiently. The student doesn’t need to know how to write well — just that he/she needs to do it — so the student can concentrate on learning how to get things done efficiently instead of worrying about grammar or spelling or whatever else might be distracting him/her from the task at hand.


  1. Solo content writers
  2. Content writing teams
  3. Large scale enterprises
  • Real-time feedback
  • Write with confidence
  • Features
  • Pricing
  • Easy and fast creation of SEO-friendly content.
  • Guided writing with keyword recommendations.
  • Robots are your friends.
  • Google is king.
  • Higher Monthly Pricing
  • Aggressive Up-selling

What is the brand voice of this Robinize?

Professional and helpful


License Tier 1

One-time purchase of

$69.00 $342.00
  • 15 reports per month
  • 1 user
  • Content grading
  • Readability level
  • Word counter
  • Relevant terms
  • FAQs compiled from Google’s “People Also Ask”
  • Similar searches
  • Outlines

License Tier 2

One-time purchase of

$119.00 |  $540.00
  • 30 reports per month
  • 3 users
  • Content grading
  • Readability level
  • Word counter
  • Relevant terms
  • FAQs compiled from Google’s “People Also Ask”
  • Similar searches
  • Outlines

Enjoy 10% Off Lifetime Deal

Follow the Instructions to get an Extra 10% Off
Lifetime Deal
For The First Purchase

  • ✅Click then to proceed to the “Lifetime Deal” page.
  • ✅Stay till the Discount Popup Window.
  • ✅Enter your Email Address.
  • ✅Click to “ UNLOCK MY 10%”
  • ✅Check your Email and Claim an extra 10% OFF.
  • ✅Only applicable for the first purchase.


Robinize works by combining software that checks your content in real-time and an expert editor to make sure your writing is engaging and not just good, but great. Robinize work with our users so that you can have that best chance of being found on Google for any topic, whether it’s a niche or evergreen topic.

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